General Information

Everything I’ve written or made in the aftermath of my wife’s sudden passing in 2015 is here, some of it in multiple formats, for free, accessible via the drop-down menus above. Status, fame, money–-those fruits of external validation and public recognition–-all appeared irrelevant, impertinent really, from the shadow of that loss. So “free” was important to me. And time felt most pressing: I wanted my work out there RIGHT NOW.  This website is the way I accomplished all that: free, here, right now.  I was an English professor at the University of Pittsburgh for the last 37 years of my 40+ year career; here is a link to a thumbnail CV of my academic credentials: KameenCVProfessorWeb.

Everything can be accessed directly from the drop-down menus above.                           Below are my newest creations in the various media I work in.                                              Below that I describe briefly each of the headings in the top banner.