Major Early Articles (1980s-90s)

I Include below in PDF form copies of the the major articles I published in the 1980s and 1990s, in reverse chronology, most of which are difficult to find or currently unavailable in the marketplace. Just click the link to view the article.


  1. “Studying Professionally: Pedagogical Relationships at the Graduate Level,” College English, April 1995, pp. 448-460.   Studying Professionally
  2. “The Teaching of Teaching: Theoretical Reflections,” co-authored with Mariolina Salvatori, Reader: Essays in Reader-Oriented Theory, Criticism and Pedagogy, Spring/Fall 1995, pp. 103-124. The Teaching of Teaching
  3. “Metaphor and the Order of Things,” Audits of Meaning, Louise Z. Smith, ed. (Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 1988), pp. 125-137. Metaphor and the Order of Things
  4. “Coming of Age in College Composition,” The Teaching of Writing: Eighty-fifth Yearbook of the   National Society for the Study of Education Part II, Anthony Petrosky and David Bartholomae, eds. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1986), pp. 170-187. Coming of Age in College Composition
  5. “Composition: Inscribing the Field,” Boundary 2, Vol. XIII, No. 2-3, Winter, 1985, pp. 213-223. Inscribing the Field
  6. “Meditation and Method.” I wrote this article in 1985 but it didn’t find an audience until 2012, online, in Enculturation.
  7. “Madness and Magic: Postmodernist Poetics and the Dream,” Criticism, Winter, 1982, pp. 36-47.Madness and Magic
  8. “Reading Poets.” The Georgia Review, Winter, l981, Vol. XXXV, No. 4, pp. 775-  787.    Reading Poets
  9. “Rewording the Rhetoric of Composition,” Pre/Text: an Inter-disciplinary Journal of Rhetoric, Winter 1981, pp. 73-93. Rewording The Rhetoric of Composition
  10. “A Polemical Excursion Through Wayne Booth’s ‘The Scope of Rhetoric Today,’”          Reengaging the Prospects of Rhetoric: Current Conversations and      Contemporary Challenges. Ed. Marque Porrovecchia, Routledge Press, 2010, pp, 84-95.Kameen on Wayne Booth